Weekly Recap - 11/07/2024

Last Friday night, we gathered for an inspiring halaqa with Sh. Abdullah Smith on "Making Our Worship Meaningful." He shared insights on connecting with Allah through sincere, mindful worship and emphasized the importance of gratitude, patience, and humility. It was a valuable time for reflection, encouraging us to make our worship more heartfelt and impactful.

On Sunday night, Br. Nadeem Muhammad led a powerful halaqa on "Rediscovering Prayers." He guided us through the significance of each part of the prayer, encouraging us to find renewed focus and intention in our salah. Br. Nadeem shared ways to deepen our understanding of prayer as more than a ritual, but as a means to connect intimately with Allah. It was an uplifting session that reminded us of the beauty and purpose in every prayer, inspiring us to approach it with a refreshed sense of devotion.


Weekly Recap - 11/14/2024